Court finds Russian pop star Philip Kirkorov guilty of insulting female reporter

Russian pop star Phillip Kirkorov was found guilty of insulting reporter Irina Aroyan in public. According to the Russian Federation Penal Code, the court sentenced the pop star to 60-thousand-ruble fine ($2,000). The maximum punishment stipulated by Part 2 of Article 130 of the Penal Code - insult in a public place - is 12 months of correctional works. The reporter believes the "rude, non-gentleman behavior is deeply humiliating to a woman."

The scandal happened two months ago in the Russian city of Rostov, when Philip Kirkorov was giving a press conference. Reporter Irina Aroyan asked the singer why he covers a lot of other people's songs in his work. The question, apparently, infuriated the pop star. The singer responded in a very harsh way, he obviously did not watch his language. Below is a transcript of the conference: Singer: So she doesn't like covers, look at her. I do not want you to photograph me; I am sick and tired of you. I hate your pink top, your tits and your microphone. I don't give a f*** about what you may write. I hate amateurs, they have nothing to do here. Do you want me to leave now? I am not leaving. I am not leaving because I respect your colleagues, but you will leave right now. Just leave! Reporter: You think it is normal? Singer: Yes, I think it is normal. Get up and go! (Pauses. The conference room goes absolutely quiet.) One should be prepared for a conference with a star, not like you. That's it, goodbye. Reporter: OK, goodbye (the reporter said it with a slight accent, the singer imitates it)Singer: Gooooodbyee! You need to learn how to speak Russian first and then say it. Goodbye! C**t!When Irina Aroyan left the conference room, Kirkorov's bodyguards attempted to attack her. One of them put his hand on the woman's mouth saying: "Who do you think you are? Do you want us to shut your mouth now?" They took the flash-card out of the reporter's digital camera and tried to break her recorder. As a result of the scandal, Irina Aroyan filed a moral damage lawsuit against the singer and won the process. Philip Kirkorov is known in Russia nationwide. The singer is married to Alla Pugacheva - Russia's most famous pop singer. He often performs in the USA for the Russian-speaking audience. According to the newspaper Izvestia, Philip Kirkorov's career is likely to end soon. The singer, the newspaper wrote, will probably bid farewell in December. The majority of Russians admit they use bad words in everyday speech, although they know it is 'not nice.' A recent opinion poll showed, 71 percent of Russians often use dirty language. Fifty-three percent said they swear on rare occasions; 30 percent of men said they do it frequently.

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