An Apartment Building was Destroyed to Save a Cat

Demolished walls, broken furniture, piles of rubbish and bricks all over the place. This mess was caused with a group of rescuers in the Russian city of Saratov. They came to rescue a cat that got stuck in vent pipes.

As it became known afterwards, the poor animal fell through the kitchen vent, which was a complicated system of pipes. The cat started rushing about those pipes in fear and eventually stuck in one of them. As rescuers said, they made a hole in a wall of apartment number 12. After that, they had to make another hole in the next apartment in order to reach the pipe with the cat. The cat did it best to move, so rescuers had to make several other holes in the walls too. Then the rescuers found out that the cat slid in the pipe down to an apartment of the lower floor. They started breaking a wall there. After the cat moved another floor down, the residents of the house started protesting the rescue process. As soon as rescuers left the apartment building, the cat got out of the vent pipe in one of apartments. The residents of the building decided to repair the walls at the expense of the cat’s owner. However, no one claimed the ownership of the cat, although it looked rather neat and nice. Korrespondent.Net

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