Man pretends to be pregnant to play hooky from work

There are plenty of funny excuses invented by those who didn’t want to go to work. However the one invented by a young South African is one of the most original and funny. He pretended to be pregnant to play hooky from work and tried to cover it with a fake gynaecologist's certificate.

A young South African has been fined by a local court for playing hooky from work and trying to cover it with a fake gynaecologist's certificate attesting he was pregnant and needed a week off.

A magistrate's court in Vereeniging, near Johannesburg, fined 27-year-old Charles Sibindana 1,000 rand (140 dollars/107 euros) for the brazen forgery, the SAPA news agency reported Monday.

Sibindana stole a medical certificate from a health centre used by his pregnant girlfriend but was apparently unaware that only women consulted gynaecologists.

Magistrate Bruno Van Eeden jokingly warned Sibindana "not to walk around faking sick letters from gynaecologists."

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